....whew, I'm happy to be returning to the blog space after having difficulties with my computer this past week. Well, actually I'm still having difficulties with the machine in question, but I believe I'm handling the situation with minimal melt down for which I am quite proud.
What's been going on? Well we've had some great students over the past two weeks with spinning, felting and dyeing classes up and coming. The Sock walkers group meets for the first time this wednesday evening (for those who are actually doing the walk before sitting to knit ah, you might want to bring your "billy boots").
We have a WONDERFUL exhibit in the gallery space at the moment; hooked rugs by our very own Moncton group "Past Time Matters". Lots of new fibres in stock as well as yet another shipment of Fleece Artist "Odd Lot" yarns at 50-70%off.
The Happiest return of all is that of our resident Newfoundland Angus, who has undergone knee surgery at the Atlantic Veterinary College on PEI. He is doing very well. Thanks to all that have asked about him. He will be at home in recovery for the next two months after which he will indeed be joining us in the shop once again.
I've been working from home as his attendant while the girls hold down the shop (I don't think he minds the attention:)
My current rug is coming along seemingly on schedule (yes it's true I have schedules for such things). I have also been weaving a great many summer shawls... finding it hard to stop actually!
...back to the London-Wul Homepage: www.thewoolworks.com