Well I'm back from the Artful Rughookers Symposium which was a magical event. Thank you Deanne. I did manage to present a talk without falling over which was wonderful . For those of you who may have been there. Here is a photo of our beautiful "Baahby". For those of you who may not have been there isn't Baahby gorgeous?

Our London-Wul gang is back from the Maritime Spinners retreat with wonderful stories to tell. I am bitterly disappointed to have missed it however my boy Angus is still in recovery from recent orthopedic surgery and, well, he needed his mom. (here he is lamenting over his empty dish).

I have pounds and pounds of fibre headed for the dye pot. After taking some time out to finish a few personal projects I'm back in the routine once again.
Here is a series of felted/embroidered panels now completed. It was a big project that I worked on over the past year (45" x 108").

...back to the London-Wul Homepage: www.thewoolworks.com