We had a little incident in the barn yesterday. The tip of my finger is now precariously attatched and for a fleeting instant I thought that the "tour de Fleece" spinning challenge was over for me. Alas all is well and I am back on the wheel. Roughly 5 lbs into lolly's fleece (with yarn pictured behind injury), I'm almost there!
The story goes something like this:
Alison the goat had a little bloat......... :)
While holding Alison between my legs, placing a stick on her pallet to encourage her to chew and plunging a syringe full of oil and baking soda down her throat. The objective being to have Alison belch thus releasing gas (you can't make this stuff up folks). All limbs and digits engaged at this point I managed to (brilliantly) place my finger between her back teeth. Oh the blood!
After a brief scuffle to get past Finn (Border Collie keeping everyone in place, always a big help) and Angus (Newfoundland taking advantage of Border Collie's preoccupation and using the opportunity to bear-hug said Border Collie) I made it to the house, called hubby, wrapped, iced and nurtured the offended finger in order to maintaining spinning condition. On with the challenge!
Alison, by the way, is feeling fine.
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