
........................................................................................................................................................Now in Mahone Bay Nova Scotia.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


.... January through April are my "carding months". This year I have added a baby brother to keep our electric machines company.
Here is the Ashford Wild carder. Isn't he lovely?

And what does the little wild man have over his big brothers?
The Wild Carder likes to play with bits of ribbon and yarn and paper and .....! You get the idea.
Fun Batts and textured yarns coming right up...

............. just like this ! I am delighted at how easily this little carder takes in all sorts of textured bits and pieces. In this case I layered, cut ends of a rayon slub yarn, a metallic ladder yarn and a silk hankie along with various shades of wool top. Spun and then plied with a silk strand. Very smooth, very easy. Lots of fun.

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