..... As summer comes to a close we evaluate Star Bird's progress:
Appetite: A +For a little orphan Star Bird has done all right. He (or she) eats copious amounts of soft bill diet as well as anything and everything that we happen to be eating.
My meal worm colony is coming along fabulously. I am proud to say that worm generation # 2 has developed and is growing nicely!
Activity: A+Lets just say that I have been working with birds all my life and have never come across such an industrious individual. Star Bird plays with a myriad of toys, bells, mirrors, ropes, paper, grass, twigs and such. Bathing takes priority over all with 5 to 10 baths daily (who knew?).
Song: A+Star bird can sing up a storm. He would easily give a top prized Canary a run!
He also mimics me quite nicely, chanting "birdy bird" whenever he sees me. (hmm, cheeky).
Survivability: F :(Herein lies the catch. Star bird has no interest whatsoever in actually hunting down his own meals. Not Good.
He screams horribly and comes flying to mom (that would be me) when he sees a hawk - though this is only on the rare occasion that he actually notices them.
Fear of people: None , of course. Star bird was imprinted at the age of approximately 2 weeks.
That's just life, I did what I could do. What with his every 20 minute feeding schedule and holding down a job I just couldn't disguise my humanoid form in order to spare him the identity crisis.
Fear of dogs: None (same deal).For the record he also quite enjoys the presence of sheep.
End Result: Star Bird is not going anywhere in the near future.... It is what it is:)