
........................................................................................................................................................Now in Mahone Bay Nova Scotia.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


...yet another note to say that Angus is doing very well. His spirits are great and he's not only back on his feet but becoming rather quick on his feet. Here are some mitts recently completed using "The Angus Equation" (couldn't that be the title of a great new thriller novel?) ; on carder splash hair 'o Angus , Lolly locks (lovingly saved from her not -so-grey days) and a dash of silk, (befitting of course), spin to a lofty 4 or 5 wpi, knit two lovely Angus inspired mittens, warm and Newfoundlandish. And finally, gift said mitts to someone special, in this case the incredible surgeon who is responsible for rebuilding our boy Angus - Thank you!
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